Welcome to SHIFT, a new Travel Local podcast series. Tune in as we explore the trends shaping travel, but more than that, we hope to provide our listeners with actions to help their travel, tourism or hospitality business recover and reinvent itself. SHIFT provides a balance of thought provoking ideas, what really works on the ground, and how tourism businesses and other travel destinations can shift things into gear. Time to ride.
The Gen Z School for Climate Heroes
A Travel Local Collective Podcast
Season 2
Episode 2
Gen Z stand out for climate change activism, and they’re doing something about it while others are still stuck on the couch. But it’s taking a toll on their mental health. So how do we help this League of Climate Heroes feel healthier, stronger and empowered? Making sure they have access to the right post-secondary education is a great place to start. Dennis Innes, Dean of the School of Hospitality, Food Studies and Applied Business at Vancouver Community College is on the show to talk about how educators are unleashing the full potential of Gen Z and building the leaders of tomorrow.